Saturday, March 19, 2005

World of Warcraft (computer game)

[ computer game ]

World of Warcraft
My rating: 4.8

My comments may come later. For now I agree with this NPR review of the game. I knock off .2 from my rating due to some minor technical faults with the game (overloaded servers; guild creation failures).

Blizzard continues to refine the game and releases patches to fix technical issues - they are a reliable developer. Sales of WoW recently topped 1.5 million copies world wide.

I bought this game the first week it was out, in Nov 2004, and it's a blast to play.

Despite some of the minor tech issues, I highly recommend this game if you can afford the time and subscription fee. This is the first MMORPG I've ever played.

I've recently created a Guild in the game, where I chronicle my adventures and post hints for other players.

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